The Shepherd Centre is a world-leading, child-safe NDIS service provider and specialist in helping children with hearing loss learn to listen and speak.

Ground Floor, 16 University Ave, Macquarie University, NSW 2109
(02) 8297 4700
The Shepherd Centre gives children with hearing loss the tools they need to learn to listen and speak. Our Early Intervention System is world-renowned for its results – the majority of children with hearing loss who graduate from our program attend school with listening and language skills on par with those of their hearing peers.

Since its foundation, The Shepherd Centre has opened up a world of sound for more than 2,000 children who are deaf or hearing impaired. Our holistic model includes individual and group programs to provide children with the opportunity to learn in focused, individual sessions and from peers and others in social, group contexts.
The Shepherd Centre was the first service in Australia to teach children with hearing loss to listen and speak and offers a complete system with service options and programs specifically tailored to each child and family’s needs. Support is offered throughout school and beyond as part of The Shepherd Centre family.