Title: Binaural Workshop
Host: Professor David McAlpine
Date, time, location: Monday 11 November, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Australian Hearing Hub, Level 1, Lecture Theatre
Tuesday 12 November, 9:00am to 4:30pm, Australian Hearing Hub, Level 1, Lecture Theatre
This two-day workshop brings together leading researchers from around in the globe to discuss the latest findings in the field of binaural and spatial hearing. Topics will range from cellular mechanisms of binaural processing to the representation of auditory space, health, and disease.
Please RSVP emma.brint@mq.edu.au by Thursday 7 November for catering purposes.
Monday 11th November – Australian Hearing Hub, Level 1, Lecture Theatre
9.15 Philip Joris, ‘The superior in the lateral olive’
9.45 Michael Pecka, ‘Spatial tuning of neurons in auditory cortex during active localization and navigation’
10.15 Jason Mikiel-Hunter, ‘Pushing the envelope: reassessing envelope sensitivity of low frequency MSO neurons’
11.00 Lindsey Van Yper, ‘Neural representations of interaural time differences in the human cortex – an MEG study’
11.30 Andy Brughera
12.00 Sarah Verhulst, ‘Monaural worries for binaural problems’
12.30 LUNCH
13.15 Torsten Marquardt, ‘Detecting interaural incoherence based on variations in the hemispheric balance’
13.45 Robert Luke, ‘How can knowledge of the binaural system be used to improve multi microphone signal processing systems?’
14.15 William Martens, ‘Tests of two fundamental sensorimotor contingencies underlying hemifield discrimination performance’
15.00 James Fallon, ‘If you deliver it, they will listen. Long-term exposure to ITD cues results in normal ITD sensitivity in a neonatally deafened model’
15.30 Andrew King, ‘Context-dependent reweighting of auditory spatial cues’
16.00 Jorg Buchholz, ‘Everyday Conversational Sentences in Noise (ECO-SiN) test: development and application’
16.30 FINISH
Tuesday 12th November – Australian Hearing Hub, Level 1, Lecture Theatre
9.30 David Ryugo, ‘Brain Changes with Hearing Loss: Frequency and Timing’
11.00 Tino Trahiotis, ‘Higher Levels of Stimulus-Independent Additive Internal Noise Are Exhibited by Listeners with “Slight” Hearing Loss’, Authors: Constantine Trahiotis and Leslie R. Bernstein
11.30 Steve Colburn, ‘Binaural waveform properties and processing in multi-source environments’
12.00 Richard Stern, “Comparing Models of Binaural Interaction.”
12.30 LUNCH
13.15 Jan Schnupp, ‘Deaf Rats are Remarkably Good at Hearing Interaural Time Differences
13.45 Chris Stecker, ‘RESTART Theory: how transient auditory responses account for temporal and bandwidth effects on binaural sensitivity’
14.15 Nick Haywood, ‘Temporal weighting of interaural time difference cues’
15.00 Jaime Undurraga, ‘Binaural processing in the human brain and its relation to speech understanding’
15.30 André van Schaik, ‘A Binaural Silicon Cochlea’
16.00 Dan Tollin, ‘The binaural interaction component (BIC) of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) – an electrophysiological biomarker of binaural and spatial hearing hearing’
16.30 FINISH