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Live Series: Evidence-Bases Research and Innovation

Speaker/s: Brent Edwards; Joaquin Valderrama-Valenzuela and Vicky Zhang; Simon Alperstein and Paola Incerti Jorge Mejia and Nicky Chong-WhiteDate & Time:  every Wednesday morning at 8am AEDT throughout October
Location: Online Webinar Series - Total of 4
Registration Open:

Audiology masterclass series 2022

Session 6: Cochlear Technology in the ClassroomDate: Thursday 4 August
Time: 4pm -5pm
Presenter: Dr Vidya Raghavan

Unheard Stories Film Festival

Location: Macquarie Theatre, Macquarie University Date: Wed., 27 April 2022
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm AEST

AHH Seminar / MU Hearing: Public health approaches to addressing …

Topic: Public health approaches to addressing adult-onset hearing lossDate: Monday 8 August 2022
Time: 11am – 1pm
Location: Hybrid – in person at AHH Level 1 Lecture Theatre and Zoom (presenters in person)
Prof Frank Lin - Director of the Cochlear Centre for Hearing & Public Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Prof Bamini Gopinath – Cochlear Chair in Hearing & Health, Macquarie University

Beyond Speech Workshop 2022

Free online workshopTuesday, 6th September
9.30 am – 5 pm
Online, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

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