On Monday 9 September, the Australian Hearing Hub hosted Associate Professor Piers Dawes to give a presentation on ‘Hearing and help seeking’.
Piers Dawes has recently joined Macquarie University as an Associate Professor in Audiology from the University of Manchester, UK.
Piers presentation looked at why hearing aid update is low and slow. Only a minority of people with hearing impairments use a hearing aid. In addition, those who do use a hearing aid typically have waited years before seeking help for hearing difficulties.
Piers Dawes explained how he has used health psychological approaches to understanding hearing help-seeking, hearing aid uptake and use. Piers described what can be done to promote hearing help-seeking and hearing aid use.
To learn more, please listen to the presentation:
Title: Hearing and help seeking
Speaker: Associate Professor Piers Dawes
Date: Monday 9 September
AHH seminar: Hearing and help seeking _ Recording audio and slides