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Hearing Health Awareness at Macquarie University Open Day

At the Macquarie University Open Day, Australian Hearing Hub member organisations provided hearing health awareness, hearing screenings, demos and fun! Over 60 people attended the Australian Hearing Hub tours which included the Anechoic Chamber, MQ Health Speech and Hearing Clinic and 3D printing facility. Over 50

Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP)

The Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP) was held from the 14-19 of July, 2019, at Lake Tahoe, California. Six researchers from Macquarie University were in attendance including Professor David McAlpine, Dr. Jaime Undurraga, Dr. Lindsey Van Yper, Juan-Pablo Faúndez, Amanda Fullerton, and Ryssa Moffat. These

New app to help keep endangered languages alive

Macquarie University researchers are part of an international minority language project that will help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia record Indigenous words and sentences into an online resource.
Catherine McMahon

Indigenous Hearing Health Symposium – Proceedings

On Tuesday 5 March, to mark World Hearing Day and Hearing Awareness Week, H:EAR | Hearing Education Application Research, Macquarie University and the Australian Hearing Hub hosted an Indigenous Hearing Health symposium. The event opened with the 2019 Libby Harricks Memorial Oration by Professor Andrew Smith

New Cochlear study to help Chinese children

A huge congratulations to Dr Ping Tang, who has graduated with his PhD and was awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s commendation for academic excellence! His supervisors Katherine Demuth, Nan Xu Rattanasone and Ivan Yuen are very proud of his achievement!   Ping will be took up a teaching position
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