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Three Australian Hearing Hub employees graduate in August 2022

Three employees from the AHH community graduated from Macquarie University and attended the August graduation.   Dr Aleisha Davis, Chief Clinical Officer, The Shepherd Centre completed her PhD, thesis entitled ‘Improving communication for children with hearing loss in their early years: Tracking progress and guiding

The Hon Bill Shorten MP visits the Australian Hearing Hub

This month, Hearing Australia and the National Acoustic Laboratories were privileged to host the Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for NDIS and Government Services, and Jerome Laxale MP, Member for Bennelong. During their visit, they learnt about how Hearing Australia supports over 280,000 clients each
Clinical trial participants and research team

World-First Cochlear Therapy

CINGT (Cochlear Implant Neurotrophin Gene Therapy) Clinical Trial: A first-in-human study of a new UNSW-developed medical technology for directed gene delivery (BaDGE® – Bionic array Directed Gene Electrotransfer), engineered by Cochlear Ltd into a new medical device (a ‘Gene Delivery Array’ for creating an ‘electric
Eye image

CLaS Eye-tracking Workshop 1: Eye-tracking methods and paradigms

On 17th May 2022, Macquarie University’s Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS) hosted a half-day hybrid workshop on eye-tracking, an increasingly popular experimental method for speech and language research. The workshop was aimed at beginners to eye-tracking and focused on methodological approaches and commonly-used paradigms. With over
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